Wednesday, October 31, 2012

History of the use of Salt for Health Benefits

Salt has been used for centuries, by many different cultures, to clear sinus cavities of bacteria and microbes along with clearing bronchial tubes of congestion for relief of common respiratory problems, a treatment now called Speleotherapy. 

Individuals in these ancient cultures noticed relief of chronic respiratory symptoms while visiting salt caves and thus used them frequently as a remedy for common respiratory ailments. To this day, sufferers of asthma, allergies pneumonia, hay fever, bronchitis, sinusitis and cystic fibrosis visit modern Salt Caves around the world for this treatment, as it is known to help alleviate their symtoms. 

Salt caves are constructed from several tons of Himalayan Salt blocks, the exact amount depending on the size of the cave, which are usually heated by lighting placed within the walls. The heating of the salt causes the air in the cave to be infused with a dry aerosol of tiny pharmaceutical grade salt particles. Salt Cave treatment is widely used in Eastern Europe and Russia and has been a well known natural therapy for nearly 200 years. In these parts of the world, people with chronic breathing disorders often spend two to three hours per day in salt cave grottos. In 1995, even the Russian government approved salt caves for medical use. Irelands' first salt cave opened near Dublin in 2009. Himalayan Salt Caves are also springing up all over the US, from The Salt Cave MPLS in Minnisota to artificial salt therapy caves in Boulder, Co.

Fortunately, for those who are unable to visit a salt cave, these same Himalayan Salt crystals have been fashioned into lamps and candle holders for use by individuals in their homes. More closely emulating the salt caves, the latest home decor trend, "Himalayan Salt Walls", are facade walls constructed against a wall or as a partition wall in a home or business with lights installed behind the wall or within the wall to heat the blocks and emit a soft light and allowing you to experience similar effects of visiting a salt therapy cave right in the comfort of your own home!

For more information visit

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Himalayan Salt Respiratory Benefits

Clinical studies have now shown that breathing Himalayan Salt air can help to stimulate the respiratory system's natural ability to reduce inflammation, clear blockages, fight infection and reduce discomfort.  

Saline solutions have been noted for ages for their ability to help with sinus conditions from runny noses to infections. Breathing salt air, whether it be the salty sea air experienced near coastal areas, obtained by entering a Therapeutic Salt Cave, or produced by Salt Air Inhalers or salt lamps, is reputed to benefit the respiratory system and aid in reducing symptoms of Allergies and Asthma.

Salt caves are constructed from several tons of Himalayan Salt blocks, the exact amount depending on the size of the cave, which are usually heated by lighting placed within the walls. The heating of the salt causes the air in the cave to be infused with a dry aerosol of tiny pharmaceutical grade salt particles. Salt Cave treatment is widely used in Eastern Europe and Russia and has been a well known natural therapy for nearly 200 years.  In these parts of the world, people with chronic breathing disorders often spend two to three hours per day in salt cave grottos. 

Fortunately, for those who are unable to visit a salt cave, these same Himalayan Salt crystals have been fashioned into lamps and candle holders for use by individuals in their homes, allowing you to experience similar effects of visiting a salt therapy cave right in the comfort of your own home! Individuals may also construct "Salt Walls" in their homes to get these effects, along with the beautiful ambiance of the latest home decor trend!

For more information on Himalayan Salt, visit

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Himalayan Salt Wall Tile Decor

As knowledge of the healthy benefits of Himalayan Salt spreads worldwide, the popularity of this wonderful continues to grow as well. New and innovative ideas for the use of Himalayan Salt are springing up all over!

Breathing Himalayan Salt air has been found to ease and even significantly diminish the symptoms of respiratory issues such as Allergies and Asthma. This healthy benefit of the salt, obtained simply by heating the salt with a light bulb, along with it's various beautiful shades of color, have been driving factors in the growing trend of it's use as a wonderful home decor element!

Images courtesy of

Lighted walls made of Himalayan Salt Blocks or tiles are one of the latest trends in home decor; creating beautiful displays of naturally air cleansing light for use in every room of the home including saunas and bedrooms!

This stunning, yet subtle lighting technique has also been utilized by businesses around the world to create tranquil, healthy atmospheres for their clients and customers! World renowned Hotels have used the salt to create the walls of their saunas, as well as spa and Yoga room walls. Himalayan Salt Walls are now being featured in Restaurants, Lounges, and Lobbies!

Visit for quality Himalayan Salt Blocks, Tiles and other Pink Salt items, along with more information about the healthy benefits of Himalayan Salt and simple methods of utilizing them!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Health professionals and spas all over the world use the this wonderful Salt

Health professionals and spas all over the world use the this wonderful Salt to heal the body and relax the mind because of its natural ability to relax, cleanse and heal the body. This unique type of salt can be found in use at luxury spas such as:
Blue Water Day Spa- Phonix, AZ.
Mandarin Oriental- NY, NY (Includes a full-body massage using heated Himalayan salt crystals in their Ultimate 24 Hour Detox Spa Package)
Four Seasons Resort-Maldives at Kuda Huraa (Includes Himalayan Salt in many of their treatments including their Sodashi Mankind Facial and Mens Pedicure)

Spa A' Lita & Laser Center-Victoria, BC
Cabarita Ocean Retreat-Casuarina NSW (Treatment: Organic Green Tea and Himalayan Salt )
Sparkling Hill Resort, Vernon BC (Includes Himalayan Sea Salt in their offers a select line of High Quality, All Natural, 100% Himalayan Tranquility Bath Salts, along with Himalayan Salt Health & Beauty Products! for use in your at home bath & spa treatments! 

Himalayan Bath Salts

HIMALAYAN BATH SALTS naturally smooth and soften skin, aid in the healing of many ailments and help relax your mind as well as your body! Indulge in an all natural, luxurious spa treatment in the comfort of your own home!
  • Promote clearer, naturally moisturized skin.
  • Remove excess oils and toxins from the skin without drying it out.
  • Replenish essencial vitamins and minerals for healthier skin.
  • Helpful in treating all forms of Acne and other skin conditions such as Psoriasis
  • Helps soothe body aches and pains associated with tired sore muscles, accociated with sports and work activities as well as deseases of the joints such as Arthritis.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Breaded Tilapea w/Himalayan Pink Sea Salt

We got bored for dinner last night and decided to adapt our Himalayan Salt Trout recipe to work with Talapia- It was delicious! Instead of cooking the fish on a salt slab, we sprinkled it with Fine Grain Himalayan Sea Salt. The rich flavor of the salt compliments the fish really well, and without the really salty "twang" of regular table salt. We thought about wrapping the fish in bacon, but wanted to see how it would taste with just the Himalayan Salt for flavoring, and well, I could have made twice as much and it would have gotten devoured! This dish was great with just some seasoned green beans on the side.

Here's the Trout recipe:
Rocky Mountain Lemon Pepper Trout w/ Bacon Grilled on a Himalayan Salt Slab
This is fairly quick & easy to prepare & gives the trout a nice flavorful taste!

Lemon Pepper
Corn Meal
2-4 Trout
Vegetable or Canola Oil
Himalayan Salt Grill/Slab/Cooking Tray


1.  Rinse your Trout in cold water, then lightly coat in Corn Meal, making sure to coat the inside of the fish as well.
2.  Sprinkle Lemon Pepper inside the fish.
2.  Stuff the inside of the fish with strips of bacon.
3.  Sprinkle the outside of the fish with Lemon Pepper & Parsley.

Heat your salt grill on on a BBQ Grill, oiling lightly with vegetable or canola oil. Place your prepared fish on the salt & cook, making sure to carefully flip the fish from one side to the other until done. *You may need to cover the fish with aluminum foil to make sure the inside gets cooked before the outside gets overdone. The outside of the fish should be golden browned & crispy. Serve with your choice of vegetables & enjoy!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Himalayan Bath Salts & Scrubs

Living near the Glenwood Springs area, I have visited the hot springs many times in my life. It's a wonderful experience that makes your body feel very pampered. A good soak in the mineral water always leaves your skin clean and rejuvenated with a soft, smooth feel. Any little cuts, scratches, acne or rashes you have when you enter the water dissapear within a day or two of soaking in the springs.

I have noticed similar effects after soaking in a Himalayan Salt Bath as well. Of course, a trip to the springs always entails soaking for several hours in the mineral water, where a bath only lasts 30 minutes or so, but the smoothing, softening effects on the skin are pretty much the same. Minor damages to the skin, acne and rashes are aided by the salt bath also and this effect may be enhanced if one soaked in the water longer, however, the salt bath can also be enjoyed more often than the hot springs. Salt baths are also more financially practical than a drive to the hot springs, plus the entry fee, and can be enjoyed in the comfort of ones own home. Also, not everyone has a natural hot springs within driving distance of their home (we know, we are lucky), so overall, the Salt Bath is just more practical.

My daughter also enjoys the Himalayan Salt in her bath. She has rather bad acne and uses the Himalayan Salt Scrub to help treat it, which seems to work for her better than ProActive or any of the other Acne treatments she has tried, and she has tried quite a few. After all of her experiments with expensive creams and scrubs, she has found the best relief to be an every other day Himalayan Salt and Herbal Peach Scrub, with a St. Ives Apricot Scrub followed by cleaning with Cetaphil on the days in between. This regemine is also not as costly as Acne Treatment Systems you can purchase, as the three items involved last quite awhile verses the need to purchase the Systems once per month. An 8oz. jar of Himalayan Salt Herbal Peach Scrub costs $39.99 and lasts for months (you don't use much per treatment), the Cetaphil can be found at Walmart for under $9 and lasts several months as well, and the St. Ives Apricot Scrub can be found there as well for under $4.

From a soothing bath to it's use in treating Acne, Himalayan Salt is definately worth a try! It may not have the same effects on Acne for everyone, but everyone will notice it's softening and smoothing effects on the skin.