Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Himalayan Bath Salts & Scrubs

Living near the Glenwood Springs area, I have visited the hot springs many times in my life. It's a wonderful experience that makes your body feel very pampered. A good soak in the mineral water always leaves your skin clean and rejuvenated with a soft, smooth feel. Any little cuts, scratches, acne or rashes you have when you enter the water dissapear within a day or two of soaking in the springs.

I have noticed similar effects after soaking in a Himalayan Salt Bath as well. Of course, a trip to the springs always entails soaking for several hours in the mineral water, where a bath only lasts 30 minutes or so, but the smoothing, softening effects on the skin are pretty much the same. Minor damages to the skin, acne and rashes are aided by the salt bath also and this effect may be enhanced if one soaked in the water longer, however, the salt bath can also be enjoyed more often than the hot springs. Salt baths are also more financially practical than a drive to the hot springs, plus the entry fee, and can be enjoyed in the comfort of ones own home. Also, not everyone has a natural hot springs within driving distance of their home (we know, we are lucky), so overall, the Salt Bath is just more practical.

My daughter also enjoys the Himalayan Salt in her bath. She has rather bad acne and uses the Himalayan Salt Scrub to help treat it, which seems to work for her better than ProActive or any of the other Acne treatments she has tried, and she has tried quite a few. After all of her experiments with expensive creams and scrubs, she has found the best relief to be an every other day Himalayan Salt and Herbal Peach Scrub, with a St. Ives Apricot Scrub followed by cleaning with Cetaphil on the days in between. This regemine is also not as costly as Acne Treatment Systems you can purchase, as the three items involved last quite awhile verses the need to purchase the Systems once per month. An 8oz. jar of Himalayan Salt Herbal Peach Scrub costs $39.99 and lasts for months (you don't use much per treatment), the Cetaphil can be found at Walmart for under $9 and lasts several months as well, and the St. Ives Apricot Scrub can be found there as well for under $4.

From a soothing bath to it's use in treating Acne, Himalayan Salt is definately worth a try! It may not have the same effects on Acne for everyone, but everyone will notice it's softening and smoothing effects on the skin.

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