Tuesday, November 19, 2013

DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar - Handmade Gift Project

DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar - Handmade Gift Project

DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar Handmade Gift Craft ProjectLearn how to make your own DIY Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar! These enchanting candle jars feature Himalayan Pink Salt click here which emit an inviting glow in hues of peach/pink. They make wonderful Christmas, Birthday, Wedding or Anniversary gifts or can be used to create a warm, festive atmosphere at Holiday dinner tables.
The following directions allow you to quickly and easily create beautiful Himalayan Salt Jar Candle Holders for tranquil, soothing lighting in any location of the home. Enjoy this project with your children, friends or family, and don't forget to try a salty and sweet Himalayan Salt treat recipe for extra special fun!
Materials needed to make 1 jar candle holder:
  • 1 glass jar (I used a sturdy, old fashioned square jar I found at the Dollar Tree, you can use any type you prefer.)
  • 2lbs Super Course Grain Himalayan Salt (or enough to fill your jar, this depends on the size of the jar)
  • 1 small votive candle holder (small enough to fit inside the larger glass vase with enough room left between the votive holder and vase to fill in with about 1" of salt all the way around the votive holder)
DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar Handmade Gift Craft ProjectDirections:
  1. Place the glass votive holder inside the glass jar, make sure it sits directly in the center of the jar (as depicted in the image to the right)
  2. Using a spoon or culinary scoop, carefully fill in the jar with Himalayan Salt up to the rim of the votive holder. Do not allow any salt to fall into the votive holder.
  3. Place a tealight, or scented votive candle (I used a cream colored, vanilla scented candle) in the votive holder and light!
DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar Handmade Gift Craft Project 4You should now have a beautiful candle holder jar filled with glowing Himalayan Salt! These can be made very quickly and make wonderful conversation pieces. As you will see, the warm coloring of the salt creates inviting, festive candle light!
Where to buy Super Course Grain Himalayan Salt - Click Here>

DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar Handmade Gift Craft Project

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wilted Lettuce Salad with Himalayan Salt - Free Recipe!

Wilted Lettuce Salad with Himalayan Salt Free Recipe

This is a delicious, traditional farm salad which complements grilled meats perfectly! The salad get's it's unique flavor from the "wilting" process achieved with a hot Olive Oil mixture and Himalayan Salt. This salad makes a healthy yet light summer meal, especially when using Organic ingredients!

  • 2 Heads of Romain Lettuce, chopped into 2" sections
  • 2 Large Tomatoes, chopped into 1" chunks
  • 1 Large Cucumber, chopped into 1/2" chunks
  • 1 Large Sweet Onion, chopped into 1/2 strips
  • 1 package Turkey Bacon or Bacon Pieces by McCormick
  • 1 Cup Olive Oil 
  • Course Grain Himalayan Sea Salt


1.     Toss Lettuce, Tomatoes and Cucumber together in a large salad bowl.
2.     Fry the onion in the Olive Oil until the onions are cooked then add 
crumbled cooked Turkey Bacon or Bacon Pieces, finish frying onions until mixture is hot.
3.     Pour hot Olive Oil mixture over salad and toss again.
4.     Sprinkle to taste w/Himalayan Course Grain Salt
5.     Serve warm and enjoy!

*Goes great with beef steak, kabobs or ribs!

Get more Free Himalayan Pink Salt Recipes-Click Here>

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ideas for Adding Himalayan Sea Salt to Labor Day Feasts

Great Ideas for Adding Himalayan Sea Salt to Labor Day Feasts

If you are serving up Sushi for Labor Day this year use Himalayan Salt Sushi Presentation Blocks! Your Sushi will gain great flavor from the salt, especially fish Sushi's such as Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Sushi!

Serve your salads in Himalayan Salt Bowls for a touch of gourmet salt flavoring. Salads such as Seaweed Salad can also be served on Himalayan Salt Plates for an added extra gourmet touch of flavor & presentation! If your salad requires sea salt, use your Himalayan Sea Salt instead of regular sea salt-the tasteis truly unique! If you haven't decided on a salad to serve just yet, check out our summer salad recipes to see if you find one you like-we especially like the Himalayan Salted Fruit Salad!

Grilled Meats
Don't forget to use your Himalayan Salt Grill or Grills! These are great for grilling skewers and thin sliced meats right at the table for a gourmet experience your guests will love! The salt adds a truly unique, gourmet salt flavor to your meats-if you are looking for a recipe you may want to browse our posts or recipes page, there are lots of awesome grilled appetizers and meat recipes to choose from! Don't forget the dessert skewers-the Pineapple Skewers are delightful, especially over ice cream!

Check out our Seafood recipes-We think that seafood most especially gains great flavor from Himalayan Sea Salt and have posted quite a few recipes for this type of meat! Our favorites are the Himalayan Salt & Indian Pepper Calamari and Salmon recipes!

If you love sweet and salty desserts, Himalayan Salt is the perfect way to add salt flavor to your desserts! It's subtle salt flavor is just the right touch and, because it can be crafted into dishes, the salt flavor can be added simply by serving the dessert in a Himalayan Salt Dish, so don't forget to pull out your Himalayan Salt Bowls for that Homemade Ice Cream! Also try our Pineapple Salt Crunch recipe for your end of the summer bash-your guests will love it!

Himalayan Salt offers a unique drink option! Treat your guests to the best tasting shot of Tequila they have ever had by serving your favorite Tequila in Salt Tequila Glasses. You may also want to check out our Ocean Blue Himalayan Salt Margarita Recipe! You can also rim your glasses with your Pink Himalayan Sea Salt where any recipe calls for Sea Salt! The pink coloring is a wonderful extra touch and the subtle flavor is perfect with fruit drinks!

For more great party tips and ideas, along with Free Pink Salt Recipes-Click Here!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Salt Tequila Glasses - Treat your party guests to the best tasting shot of Tequila they have ever had!

Salt Tequila Glasses

Treat your party guests to the best tasting shot of Tequila they have ever had, or make a lasting impression at your next business deal with these flavorful works of art! 

Salt Shot Glasses are hand carved from pure Organic Himalayan Salt creating one of a kind serving pieces with beautiful, natural color striations. Salt Tequila Glasses are naturally anti-bacterial, making maintenance as simple and easy as rinsing with water and drying with a towel. They also create a unique, beautiful display when stored on a sideboard, kitchen counter or bar, especially when displayed with a salt tile!

The best part of using Salt Tequila Glasses? 
Well, aside from all those compliments you will receive from your guests about how great it tastes and looks, you can feel good knowing that you are using a pure, organic salt with no preservatives, anti-caking agents, gluten or additives! 

Beautiful, functional, all natural Salt Tequila Glasses are a stylish way to add elegant presentation and gourmet flavor to your Tequila Party!

Buy Salt Tequila Glasses>