Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wilted Lettuce Salad with Himalayan Salt - Free Recipe!

Wilted Lettuce Salad with Himalayan Salt Free Recipe

This is a delicious, traditional farm salad which complements grilled meats perfectly! The salad get's it's unique flavor from the "wilting" process achieved with a hot Olive Oil mixture and Himalayan Salt. This salad makes a healthy yet light summer meal, especially when using Organic ingredients!

  • 2 Heads of Romain Lettuce, chopped into 2" sections
  • 2 Large Tomatoes, chopped into 1" chunks
  • 1 Large Cucumber, chopped into 1/2" chunks
  • 1 Large Sweet Onion, chopped into 1/2 strips
  • 1 package Turkey Bacon or Bacon Pieces by McCormick
  • 1 Cup Olive Oil 
  • Course Grain Himalayan Sea Salt


1.     Toss Lettuce, Tomatoes and Cucumber together in a large salad bowl.
2.     Fry the onion in the Olive Oil until the onions are cooked then add 
crumbled cooked Turkey Bacon or Bacon Pieces, finish frying onions until mixture is hot.
3.     Pour hot Olive Oil mixture over salad and toss again.
4.     Sprinkle to taste w/Himalayan Course Grain Salt
5.     Serve warm and enjoy!

*Goes great with beef steak, kabobs or ribs!

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