Thursday, September 20, 2012

I was first introduced to Himalayan Salt while visiting a local Spring Home and Garden Expo with my daughter. Lighting is a big interest of mine, for years I had been on the hunt for the perfect fixture for my home, one that my husband and kids would not want to shut off while watching movies and would provide a subtle, tranquil glow. I also prefer a rather natural home decor theme, for a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere, and therefore look for lighting that imparts a earthy feel to the rooms of my home.

My favorite lighting at this point had been candle light, which I still enjoy to this day, however, having one very active little boy in my home, my son, had sort of put a damper on my candle burning, as I was concerned that this was not a safe lighting to have around him.

For this reason, I wondered into the home lighting section of the Expo with my daughter, interested in seeing what I could find. As the first few booths we walked by displayed the standard, rather bright and blaring lighting I was accustomed to finding, we began to loose interest and wondered towards the back of the lighting booth section intent on entering the garden section. At the very end of the row of booths,  just before the garden booth entrance, we came across a sight that immediately drew our attention! This booth was filled with the warm glow of what appeared to be "glowing rock" lamps. We were immediately taken with the lamps and spoke with the booth owner to find out what they were. To make a long story short, after discovering that the lamps also had the scientifically proven extra benefit of naturally ionizing the air, we left the booth with two lamps, a large one for our living room and a smaller one for my daughter's room.

We took them home, replaced two of our standard lamps with the Himalayan Salt Lamps and turned them on...we were immediately thrilled with the glow the lamps emitted! I discovered that no one wanted to "shut the lights off" while watching movies, which made me very happy as I know that watching tv in the dark is bad for the eyes. We also noticed that the light was in fact calming, imparting the earthy feel I had been looking for! My husband even liked the lamps and my son would have difficulty causing problems with this lighting, unable to even burn himself with it. Everyone was happy with the lamps and I had finally found the perfect lighting for my home!

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