Tuesday, November 19, 2013

DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar - Handmade Gift Project

DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar - Handmade Gift Project

DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar Handmade Gift Craft ProjectLearn how to make your own DIY Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar! These enchanting candle jars feature Himalayan Pink Salt click here which emit an inviting glow in hues of peach/pink. They make wonderful Christmas, Birthday, Wedding or Anniversary gifts or can be used to create a warm, festive atmosphere at Holiday dinner tables.
The following directions allow you to quickly and easily create beautiful Himalayan Salt Jar Candle Holders for tranquil, soothing lighting in any location of the home. Enjoy this project with your children, friends or family, and don't forget to try a salty and sweet Himalayan Salt treat recipe for extra special fun!
Materials needed to make 1 jar candle holder:
  • 1 glass jar (I used a sturdy, old fashioned square jar I found at the Dollar Tree, you can use any type you prefer.)
  • 2lbs Super Course Grain Himalayan Salt (or enough to fill your jar, this depends on the size of the jar)
  • 1 small votive candle holder (small enough to fit inside the larger glass vase with enough room left between the votive holder and vase to fill in with about 1" of salt all the way around the votive holder)
DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar Handmade Gift Craft ProjectDirections:
  1. Place the glass votive holder inside the glass jar, make sure it sits directly in the center of the jar (as depicted in the image to the right)
  2. Using a spoon or culinary scoop, carefully fill in the jar with Himalayan Salt up to the rim of the votive holder. Do not allow any salt to fall into the votive holder.
  3. Place a tealight, or scented votive candle (I used a cream colored, vanilla scented candle) in the votive holder and light!
DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar Handmade Gift Craft Project 4You should now have a beautiful candle holder jar filled with glowing Himalayan Salt! These can be made very quickly and make wonderful conversation pieces. As you will see, the warm coloring of the salt creates inviting, festive candle light!
Where to buy Super Course Grain Himalayan Salt - Click Here>

DYI Himalayan Salt Candle Holder Jar Handmade Gift Craft Project

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wilted Lettuce Salad with Himalayan Salt - Free Recipe!

Wilted Lettuce Salad with Himalayan Salt Free Recipe

This is a delicious, traditional farm salad which complements grilled meats perfectly! The salad get's it's unique flavor from the "wilting" process achieved with a hot Olive Oil mixture and Himalayan Salt. This salad makes a healthy yet light summer meal, especially when using Organic ingredients!

  • 2 Heads of Romain Lettuce, chopped into 2" sections
  • 2 Large Tomatoes, chopped into 1" chunks
  • 1 Large Cucumber, chopped into 1/2" chunks
  • 1 Large Sweet Onion, chopped into 1/2 strips
  • 1 package Turkey Bacon or Bacon Pieces by McCormick
  • 1 Cup Olive Oil 
  • Course Grain Himalayan Sea Salt


1.     Toss Lettuce, Tomatoes and Cucumber together in a large salad bowl.
2.     Fry the onion in the Olive Oil until the onions are cooked then add 
crumbled cooked Turkey Bacon or Bacon Pieces, finish frying onions until mixture is hot.
3.     Pour hot Olive Oil mixture over salad and toss again.
4.     Sprinkle to taste w/Himalayan Course Grain Salt
5.     Serve warm and enjoy!

*Goes great with beef steak, kabobs or ribs!

Get more Free Himalayan Pink Salt Recipes-Click Here>

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ideas for Adding Himalayan Sea Salt to Labor Day Feasts

Great Ideas for Adding Himalayan Sea Salt to Labor Day Feasts

If you are serving up Sushi for Labor Day this year use Himalayan Salt Sushi Presentation Blocks! Your Sushi will gain great flavor from the salt, especially fish Sushi's such as Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Sushi!

Serve your salads in Himalayan Salt Bowls for a touch of gourmet salt flavoring. Salads such as Seaweed Salad can also be served on Himalayan Salt Plates for an added extra gourmet touch of flavor & presentation! If your salad requires sea salt, use your Himalayan Sea Salt instead of regular sea salt-the tasteis truly unique! If you haven't decided on a salad to serve just yet, check out our summer salad recipes to see if you find one you like-we especially like the Himalayan Salted Fruit Salad!

Grilled Meats
Don't forget to use your Himalayan Salt Grill or Grills! These are great for grilling skewers and thin sliced meats right at the table for a gourmet experience your guests will love! The salt adds a truly unique, gourmet salt flavor to your meats-if you are looking for a recipe you may want to browse our posts or recipes page, there are lots of awesome grilled appetizers and meat recipes to choose from! Don't forget the dessert skewers-the Pineapple Skewers are delightful, especially over ice cream!

Check out our Seafood recipes-We think that seafood most especially gains great flavor from Himalayan Sea Salt and have posted quite a few recipes for this type of meat! Our favorites are the Himalayan Salt & Indian Pepper Calamari and Salmon recipes!

If you love sweet and salty desserts, Himalayan Salt is the perfect way to add salt flavor to your desserts! It's subtle salt flavor is just the right touch and, because it can be crafted into dishes, the salt flavor can be added simply by serving the dessert in a Himalayan Salt Dish, so don't forget to pull out your Himalayan Salt Bowls for that Homemade Ice Cream! Also try our Pineapple Salt Crunch recipe for your end of the summer bash-your guests will love it!

Himalayan Salt offers a unique drink option! Treat your guests to the best tasting shot of Tequila they have ever had by serving your favorite Tequila in Salt Tequila Glasses. You may also want to check out our Ocean Blue Himalayan Salt Margarita Recipe! You can also rim your glasses with your Pink Himalayan Sea Salt where any recipe calls for Sea Salt! The pink coloring is a wonderful extra touch and the subtle flavor is perfect with fruit drinks!

For more great party tips and ideas, along with Free Pink Salt Recipes-Click Here!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Salt Tequila Glasses - Treat your party guests to the best tasting shot of Tequila they have ever had!

Salt Tequila Glasses

Treat your party guests to the best tasting shot of Tequila they have ever had, or make a lasting impression at your next business deal with these flavorful works of art! 

Salt Shot Glasses are hand carved from pure Organic Himalayan Salt creating one of a kind serving pieces with beautiful, natural color striations. Salt Tequila Glasses are naturally anti-bacterial, making maintenance as simple and easy as rinsing with water and drying with a towel. They also create a unique, beautiful display when stored on a sideboard, kitchen counter or bar, especially when displayed with a salt tile!

The best part of using Salt Tequila Glasses? 
Well, aside from all those compliments you will receive from your guests about how great it tastes and looks, you can feel good knowing that you are using a pure, organic salt with no preservatives, anti-caking agents, gluten or additives! 

Beautiful, functional, all natural Salt Tequila Glasses are a stylish way to add elegant presentation and gourmet flavor to your Tequila Party!

Buy Salt Tequila Glasses>

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ocean Blue Himalayan Sea Salt Margarita - Free Recipe

Ocean Blue Himalayan Sea Salt Margarita - Free Recipe

With it's blue color, gourmet salty taste & fresh citrus flavor, this is the perfect refreshing drink for summer parties & get-togethers!

Get this easy to make Summer Drink Recipe Today!

With it's rich mineral content and delicious, gourmet salt flavor, Organic Himalayan Pink Sea Salt is among the purest salts in the world! This flavorful, edible Pink Sea Salt has been gaining in popularity for years now as a gourmet alternative to regular table salt for both hot and cold foods! In addition to the traditional granular form of Sea Salt, Himalayan Pink Sea Salt has the ability to be carved into glasses & bowls, as well as Salt Grill Blocks and trays for grilling and cooking on!

Learn More...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Free Organic Himalayan Pink Sea Salt Recipes!

As beautiful to behold as it is delicious to taste, Himalayan Pink Sea Salt acquires it's pink or peach coloring from the natural essential minerals it contains. This mineral content also provides Himalayan Sea Salt with another wonderful surprise; the dense nature of the salt enables it to be cut or carved into shapes. This ability is gaining the salt rave reviews and rapidly increasing popularity in the organic culinary world due to the salts' surprising alternate ability to be cooked on, rather than just sprinkled over or mixed into foods.

An ever increasing number of individuals are also discovering Himalayan Sea Salt and are choosing to use this organic sea salt in their cooking as a healthier, and more flavorful, alternative to processed table salt.

From grilled foods to fresh vegetables and even mixed drinks and Tequila shots, Himalayan Salt adds a touch of gourmet salt flavor!

If you are looking for great Himalayan Salt Recipes as well as Salt BBQ grilling tips and techniques, visit our FREE Recipes Blog today!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Add Delicious & Fun Flair to Your Next Summer BBQ - Himalayan Salt Stone Block BBQ Grilling Instructional Video

This innovative new salt BBQ grilling technique has been featured in culinary dishes by renowned chefs at hotels, resorts and restaurants worldwide and was even featured on an episode of Iron Chef America!

If you are wanting to add fun and flavor to your next summer BBQ, grilling foods on Organic Himalayan Salt Cooking Blocks, Tiles or Stones is the fun and easy way to add gourmet flavor to meats, vegetables and even salty and sweet desserts with a rich, yet subtle, natural salt flavor!

The following video shows the basic and simple cooking techniques for grilling shrimp, steak and Tilapia fish fillet on a Himalayan Salt Stone Block over and open fire. You may use the same techniques for cooking on the block over your charcoal or gas BBQ Grill.

For more information on grilling on Himalayan Salt Block Stones or cooking with Himalayan Salt, as well as FREE Himalayan Salt Recipes, Tips and Techniques, visit the Himalayan Salt Boutique Recipes Blog>

Some of our featured recipes and techniques for spectacular summer BBQ's include:
Himalayan Salt Grilled Pineapple Chicken Skewers>
Himlalayan Salt Grilled Salmon>

You can also purchase Himalayan Salt Blocks and Stones at HimalayanSaltBoutique.com
& keep watching our blog for new instructional grilling videos and recipes all summer long!

We hope you enjoy the video!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Organic Himalayan Culinary Sea Salt - Increasing Popularity and Success in the Culinary World

In the US, salt has been regarded for many years as more of a harmful mineral in our diet than an essential one. In fact, the mainstream recommendation to limit salt in our diet has prompted many of us to think of salt as a "no-no" rather than an indispensable component of our diet. Since this highly encouraged sentiment has been prevalent over the last few decades, very little emphasis has been placed on consumption of healthier salt rather than avoiding it as much as possible. Some may not even be aware that the main cause of the health issues created by our modern processed salt, the very reason for the movement towards avoiding it in our diet, is the fact that it is mostly chemically pure sodium chloride which is not a natural element from any aspect, at least as far as consumption is concerned, and is not found anywhere in nature. This chemically processed salt did not even exist until the last 100 years or so, when the chemical-industrial revolution made such processes possible. While it remains undisputed that the "all things in moderation" axiom should be observed in regards to our intake of salt, news of a unique type of sea salt, particularly organic in nature is causing many to re-evaluate their choice of this prized food ingredient.

Sea Salt
It is generally agreed that sea salts are healthier for the body than processed table salt; however, concerns about modern pollutants contaminating sea salts derived from current ocean water are well founded. Those produced from evaporated modern ocean water are likely to contain the very same pollutants which are present in ocean water in many locations around the world. Hence, unless you know for sure where the salt comes from, which can be impossible for the consumer to be sure of, these salts may very well be contaminated with man-made pollutants and chemicals. Meanwhile, sea salts retrieved from ground surface beds may contain the modern pollutants present in the air. Processing these minerals to remove the toxic chemicals would also remove natural essential vitamins and minerals and chemically alter the composition, reducing it to a state basically no healthier than the mostly sodium chloride composed manufactured product we regularly use.

The Good News -Ancient Sea Salt
Many food conscientious individuals are excited to hear that there is in fact a pristine form of sea salt which has remained untouched by modern pollutants and chemicals; Himalayan Pink Sea Salt. This unique form of salt is deemed to be perhaps the worlds' purest salt, as it has remained protected far beneath the earth in the Himalayan Mountains for millions of years. Himalayan Salt is organic, unprocessed, natural salt which retains all of the 84 + essential minerals it was created with millions of years ago, along with the natural ability to be easily broken down and absorbed by the body when consumed. This salt, also known as "white gold", has been used by the people of the Himalayas for hundreds, if not thousands of years to preserve staple meat supplies and trade in the lower valleys for other goods.
As beautiful to behold as it is delicious to taste, this sea salt acquires it's pink or peach coloring from the natural essential minerals it contains. This mineral content also provides Himalayan Sea Salt with another wonderful surprise; the dense nature of the salt enables it to be cut or carved into shapes. This ability is gaining the salt rave reviews and rapidly increasing popularity in the culinary world due to the salts' surprising alternate ability to be cooked on, rather than just sprinkled over or mixed into foods.

Growing Popularity of Organic Sea Salt
In the health conscientious culinary niches of Oregon, Arizona, and New York, as well as most of the eastern coastal states, Colorado and California, an increasing number of renowned chefs at hotels, spas, resorts, and restaurants have been using this organic sea salt instead of traditional sea salt or processed table salt in their foods. By creating new, tasty dishes using this organic salt, as well as grilling and serving foods like grilled shrimp, scallops and steak on salt "blocks", also known as salt slabs, grills, tiles and trays, they are bringing Himalayan Culinary Sea Salt to individuals in the US who may not have otherwise heard about it. Some of these dishes are actually served upon the salt on which they were cooked for a savory presentation which is followed up by a rich, gourmet flavor that more than satisfies the taste buds. Many sushi bars now serve their signature sushi on chilled salt blocks for added flavor as well. The salt has also been fashioned into "salt serve ware" such as plates, bowls and glasses. These salt dishes are now featured in many renowned establishments worldwide and are used for serving anything from chilled desserts such as ice cream and sorbet, to drinks such as margaritas and tequila.

Meanwhile an ever increasing number of individuals are discovering Himalayan Sea Salt and are choosing to use this organic sea salt in their cooking as a healthier, and more flavorful, alternative to processed table salt. Himalayan Salt Blocks are showing up at backyard BBQ's across the US, with families and friends enjoying a new style of outdoor grilled foods such as sear grilled meats, as well as chilled fresh vegetables and salty and sweet, chilled desserts. Individuals are also enjoying the salt blocks indoors, for special occasion and holiday foods which are grilled on the blocks over the kitchen stove. As the internet is teaming with great Himalayan Salt recipes, tips and techniques for using the salt as well as BBQ grilling tips and techniques, there is no shortage of fantastic, new dishes to try at home. No matter how or where they try it the first time, most people who try the salt quickly prefer it over any other salt they have ever tasted.

With sensational, natural flavor and the ability to create new and unique food presentation possibilities, this ancient Organic Sea Salt is bringing healthy enjoyment of salt back into the lives of many. With it, we find a new understanding of how important natural salt is in our diet, new unique methods of salting our foods and a new, rich yet subtle salt flavor to tempt our taste buds!

To learn more about Organic Himalayan Sea salt, visit http://www.organichimalayansalt.wordpress.com. For free recipes and instructions on cooking with the salt, simply search "Himalayan Salt Recipes" online or visit http://www.himalayansaltboutique.com/himalayan-salt-recipes-blog.html.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7694025

Thursday, April 18, 2013

New Himalayan Salt Blog - Come Check Out Our New Blog!

Himalayan Salt Blog has expanded to include a new blog: Organic Himalayan Salt!

We hope our new blog will enable our our readers to more easily find the information they are interested in, by creating separate pages for the 3 separate uses of Himalayan Salts; Lighting, Culinary and Health & Beauty, each with  natural wellness and natural remedy uses!

Come check out our new blog which includes new articles and information about Himalayan Salt, as well as a fantastic Photo Gallery depicting various Himalayan Salt Products!

* New-Coming soon at Organic Himalayan Salt Blog: Educational videos; including demonstrations and techniques on cooking with Himalayan Pink Sea Salt! With spring on it's way we look forward to adding instructional videos about using this unique salt in outdoor cooking on the BBQ and campfire!

Come join in the fun and enjoy our educational information about Organic Himalayan Salt!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Salt Air Therapy - A Natural Remedy Treatment for Respiratory Ailments

Salt Air Therapy is an increasingly popular, natural treatment for respiratory problems. Salt Air Therapy is the process of breathing air containing dry, micronized salt particles which travel to all areas of the lungs providing a natural way to cleanse and maintain the respiratory system from within.

This all natural, safe and effective therapy helps to reduce inflammation in the airways effectively reducing constriction in the sinuses and lungs that can occur with colds and flus, as well as asthma, allergies and other sinus conditions. By helping the body to naturally eliminate allergens and pollutants, Salt Air Therapy also helps to support the body's immune system.

This treatment is most effective when large quantities of time are spent inhaling dry salt air. Due to its rather unique ability to be procured in large chunks, which can be fashioned into blocks or used in natural crystal form, Himalayan Salt is largely prevalent in Salt Air Therapy.

Himalayan Salt Caves have been constructed at many locations worldwide, including several in the US, for Salt Air Therapy. Patrons of these caves spend anywhere between 45 minutes to several hours in the caves in order to breath the salt air. However, it is usually not practical, or even possible, for individuals to travel to a salt cave on a regular basis, let alone stay for large quantities of time.

Many individuals are now installing Salt Walls in their homes to mimic the benefits of Salt Caves, however, the most convenient and available method of salt air therapy is the Salt Air Inhaler, which is also readily found online and in stores accompanied by Himalayan Sea Salt.

Himalayan Salt lamps are also effective ways of treating respiratory problems. Salt Lamps are exactly what they sound like; chunks of salt fashioned into lamps by installing a bulb inside of a hole drilled into the bottom of a salt crystal and mounted onto a wooden base. These beautiufl lamps are placed around the home for increased exposure to ionized salt air.

For more information about the benefits of Salt Air Therapy, visit

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Care & Use of Your Himalayan Salt Tile, Slab, Block or Grill

Care & Use of Your Himalayan Salt Tile, Slab, Block or Grill

First, I would like to explain the difference between a Salt Tile, Slab, Block and Grill; basically, there is none. These different names merely depict a better idea of the many uses for the salt. Unless you are talking about the rough cut, or natural Salt Slabs, at which point it makes sense to call the item a "slab", it is appropriate to call all of these products by one title. In my opinion, referring to them as tiles makes the most sense as the word "grill" does not pertain to their versatile use in chilling and serving foods as well. These items are all the same, a chunk of pure Himalayan Salt which has been cut into a round, square or rectangular shape between 1" to 2" thick for the purpose of cooking, chilling and serving foods upon!

There are many uses for Himalayan Salt tiles. Listed below are some guidelines for the care and use of your Salt Tile. If you follow these guidelines, you should be able to enjoy your salt tile for quite a long time by ensuring it's longest possible usefulness as a tile. Keep in mind, once your tile has worn down or broken you can always use a salt shaver to sprinkle the salt onto your food or break the chunks up and grind them with a salt grinder! For the longest possible use, I recommend the 2" Salt Tiles, being thicker, they take longer to wear down and are more resistant to cracking or breaking when heated.

There are two things to ALWAYS bear in mind when using your new salt tiles:
  • They are HEAVY. Make sure you hold it firmly, so that it doesn't drop.
  • When cooking with the tile, it will get extremely HOT and retain the heat for a long time.-longer than you might expect. Be sure the tile is cool before touching it, or use an oven mitt just as you would with any hot cookware.
  • Himalayan Salt Blocks are a natural product, and as such, each block may have varying thresholds for heat and pressure. If you wish to cook with your salt block, please understand that they can crack and even explode, just as a glass baking dish can (with the exception of Pyrex Glass, most of the time)

The most popular use of the Salt Tile is to heat it on the grill, and then enjoy cooking all our favorite barbecue items to perfection on it! This includes meats, fish, vegetables- you name it, they all come out tasting fantastic when cooked on a genuine Himalayan Salt tile. 

The tiles also make excellent cutting boards, as salt is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-microbial! Do NOT, however, cut raw meat on your block without properly cleaning it afterwards. You can use the tile for cooking on a stove as well, just be sure to follow the precautions listed below. If you want to use your block in an oven, I recommend a much longer, slower break in period of up to one hour for the first use, with slightly increasing oven temperatures to avoid cracking the tile. 

Cooking with Himalayan Salt Tiles
Himalayan Pink Salt Tiles can be heated, cooled, or left at room temperature. Cold and room temperature uses require no special instruction; simply place food on the salt block and serve, or use the block as a cutting board in the kitchen.

Heating Himalayan Salt Blocks requires following some basic steps. (Please see the important disclaimer at the end of this guide.) Allow between 15 to 30 minutes to achieve the desired cooking temperature. This is why they are ideal for grilling; they can be heating up as your coals are getting ready to cook on. Also, note that heating will change the appearance of your Himalayan Salt Block. Your salt plate will crackle slightly on heating as micro-fissures appear, clouding the clear finish of the salt block. This is normal, but you may wish to keep one piece for heating and reserve another for room temperature uses if you would like the clearer look for presentation.

Here are some directions for heating your Salt Tile:
1)        Be sure the salt block is completely dry. If it is wet, allow it to dry at least 24 hours in a warm, dry place before heating.
2)         For gas ranges, place your Himalayan Salt Block on the burner over low flame. After 15 minutes (allow more time for plates larger than 8" x 8" x 2"), increase heat to low-medium. At this point, your salt plate will be hot enough to cook on, but you will want to keep the flame on low-medium while cooking. If extremely hot temperatures are desired, increase flame to medium-high for another 15 minutes.
3)        For electric ranges, place a metal spacer such as wok ring or pastry tin with a removable bottom on the stove so that the Himalayan Salt Block is at least 1/2 inch above the heating element. It is important that the salt not touch the heating element, as direct contact could damage your range, your salt, or both. With the salt block in place, follow instructions above, allowing as much a 5 minutes more for each step.
4)         If you are using your salt block on a barbecue grill (my personal favorite), it is going to be a bit more difficult to regulate the heat. That is why we recommend curing the plate before your first use, by heating it slowly, and then allowing it to slowly cool back to room temperature.

Important: The prolonged contact with moisture that occurs with any longer-cooking recipes dissolves more of the salt tile's surface, causing irregularities or pitting. While this may reduce the usable lifetime of a Himalayan Salt Tile, many uses should still be possible. That is why I recommend the 2” thick plate for any cooking application. If you are using your salt tile for cooking on a stove, be sure to closely monitor it while cooking, and do not place food or any other item on the tile that can potentially run off the tile and into your stove! Never leave your salt block unattended while cooking.

Caring for your Pink Himalayan Salt Tile
After each use, rinse your salt tile with warm water, scrub with a soft brush or green scouring pad to remove any stuck matter, and rinse again. Tamp dry with a paper towel or clean cloth. Set on a drying rack. This will process removes a very thin layer of the salt. 
Treated with care, a large salt tile can be used dozens of times. The powerful antimicrobial properties of the salt insure that it is always proper and ready for future use, with no need for detergents. 
If your salt tile becomes pitted from use with moist foods or longer cook time recipes, you can literally "sand" the surface of the tile with sand paper, then thoroughly rinse the tile off with water, dry with a towel and allow 24 hours to fully dry. This will remove a bit of the salt from the surface, another reason why I recommend the 2" thick tiles.

For Free Himalayan Salt Recipes + more great tips & techniques for useing your salt tile, visit the Himalayan Salt Boutiques' Salt Recipes Blog @  www.HimalayanSaltBoutique.com !

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gargling with a Salt Water Solution Recudes Swelling & Irritation from a Sore or Irritated Throat!

Gargling with a salt water solution has been known to reduce swelling and irritation associated with a sore, or irritated throat, and cough since antiquity. This natural treatment helps to reduce harmful bacteria, thereby treating and preventing infection with anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties.

This tried and true natural remedy is a well known treatment which is suggested by physicians worldwide, including here in the US, though many individuals, especially children, tend to have difficulty with the harsh salty flavor of iodized table salt. It is also best not to use salts that contain anti-caking agents or preservatives.

Himalayan Salt Glasses provide a convenient method for preparing salt water solution for gargling, by simply filling the glass with water and allowing a few moments for some of the salt to dissolve into the water. This method provides a natural, pure salt solution for gargling with unprocessed salts which do not possess added iodide, caking agents or preservatives.

Himalayan Salt Boutique offers High Quality, Gourmet Grade Salt Glasses, as well as other forms of Himalayan Salt with Fast Free Shipping! We also provide information about the many benefits of Himalayan Salt!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Himalayan Salt Detox Dome Naturally Absorbs & Extracts Toxins from Your Body!

100% pure Himalayan Sea Salt is naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial so it has many beneficial natural wellness and health uses in it's many forms.  

Our new Himalayan Salt Detox Dome features a beautifully crafted rosewood base that houses an 8" slab of pure Himalayan Salt in the shape of a dome.

How it Works
The salt is heated with a 25 watt bulb, and comes with a UL listed dimmer cord which allows you to easily adjust the amount of heat that is produced. The foot detox dome absorbs and extracts toxins from your body, supports blood circulation, reduces swelling, and just feels great! It is also a soothing way to warm your feet on cold days. You can also lay your hands on it, and experience many of the same benefits.

Cleaning & Care
Since salt is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, cleaning it between uses is easy, simply allow the dome to cool, wipe with a damp towel and allow to dry.

Other Uses

When you're not using the dome for detox, it doubles as a beautiful Himalayan Salt Lamp with an emotionally uplifting, earthy glow!

*Visit our New Organic Himalayan Salt Blog at Wordpress! 

Visit The Himalayan Salt Boutique to purchase a Himmalayan Salt Detox Dome and enjoy Fast, Free Shipping to the Continetal US! These domes also make excellent gifts for Mothers’ Day!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Homeopathic Treatments - Effective Salt and Saline Treatments for Cold and Flu Symptoms

Homeopathic Treatments - Effective Salt and Saline Treatments for Cold and Flu Symptoms

Himalayan Salt Caves have been constructed at many locations worldwide, including several in the US, for Salt Air Therapy. Patrons of these caves spend anywhere between 45 minutes to several hours in the caves in order to breath the salt air. However, it is usually not practical, or even possible, for individuals to travel to a salt cave on a regular basis, let alone stay for large quantities of time. The most convenient and available method of salt air therapy is the Salt Air Inhaler, which is also readily found online and in stores accompanied by Himalayan Sea Salt. Himalayan Salt lamps, chunks of salt which have been made into lamps by installing a bulb inside of a hole drilled into the bottom of a salt crystal and mounted onto a wooden base, can also be placed around the home for increased exposure to ionized salt air.

Gargling with a salt water solution has been known to reduce swelling and irritation associated with a sore or irritated throat and cough since antiquity. This natural treatment helps to reduce harmful bacteria, thereby treating and preventing infection with anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Himalayan Salt Glasses provide a convenient method for preparing salt water solution for gargling, by simply filling the glass with water and allowing a few moments for some of the salt to dissolve into the water. This method provides a natural, pure salt solution for gargling with unprocessed salts which do not possess added iodide, caking agents or preservatives.

Most of these simple Homeopathic, Holistic and Natural salt treatments have been noted by many cultures since antiquity for their ability to effectively treat ailments and even prevent health issues from arising. Since these methods have been tried and tested throughout the ages for effectiveness, they are an excellent choice for those dealing with the symptoms of colds and flus, as well as the other ailments mentioned. Unlike other traditional treatments, these require no special knowledge of preparation or usage, allowing the use of these remedies by anyone who wishes to enjoy their benefits!
For more information regarding Homeopathic Treatments using salt and saline solutions, visit http://www.himalayansaltboutique.com/about-himalayan-salt.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_M_Barnash

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ayurvedic Saltwater Flush- Treatment promotes overall intestinal health and helps to cure and prevent yeast infections.

Despite the fact that yeast infections arise in the moist areas of the body, they are caused by poor intestinal health or lack of good bacteria in the digestive system. Yeast infections are a frequent problem for those with Endometriosis.
Ayurvedic Saltwater Flush- Treatment promotes overall intestinal health and helps to cure and prevent yeast infections.

According to Ayurvadic medicine, salt water flush is a superior method of cleansing the intestinal tract without the harmful effects and inconvenience of colonics and enemas. Flushing the digestive system with salt water cleanses the entire digestive tract, allowing it to naturally repair it's self, and restore regular levels of healthy bacteria. Salt water flush draws out toxins as it cleanses the entire intestinal tract and is a safe, effective, natural way of doing so.

How to prepare and use a Salt Water Flush
  • 2 level teaspoons unrefined mineral salt  *Use unrefined mineral salt, not ordinary iodized salt. 
  • 1 quart lukewarm water
Mix water salt together in a glass or jar, stirring until the salt is disolved competely.
Drink the entire quart of salt water first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.

After drinking the saltwater, lie on your right side for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes, you are free to get up and go about your day, but be prepared to have a bowel movement within 1 to 2 hours, though everyone is a little different. Be careful not to pass gas, except on the toilet, since it may be
liquid coming through.

Himalayan Salt Glasses & "Sole" Drink Therapy Jars are a simple, more palatable way to perform a Salt Water Flush: non-processed, natural Pink Sea Salt.

Himalayan Salt Blog has moved to Wordpress under a new title: Organic Himalayan Salt! Come Check out Our New Blog!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Save $$$- Great Spring Discounts on Popular Himalayan Salt Products!

Himalayan Salt Boutique is offering Great Discounts on Popular Himalayan Salt Products though St. Patricks Day!

Find Special Prices throughout our store and start enjoying the benefits of Himalayan Salt Today!

Himalayan Salt Lamps & Candle Holders

Enjoy the earthy, inspirational lighting that Himalayan Salt Lamps will add to your home!

Great Deals on Natural Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps


Hand Carved Himalayan Salt Lamps!

Himalayan Culinary Cooking Slabs on Sale Now!
Enjoy Big Savings on our most popular sizes of Himalayan Salt Grills, Slabs & Cooking Trays to add rich, gourmet flavor to your spring culinary adventures! 

Enjoy Fast, Free Shipping on all of our Quality Himalayan Salt Items!

View our Customer Reviews & Testimonials
Get Free Himalayan Pink Sea Salt Recipes

Visit Himalayan Salt Boutique Today!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How Himalayan Salt Air Inhalers Work / Benefits of Salt Air Inhalers

As you breathe air through the inhaler, it passes over the Himalayan salt crystals resting inside a chamber within the inhaler. Moisture in the air absorbs salt particles that then enter the mouth, nose, throat and lungs during inhalation which can aid in the treatment of conditions ranging from the common cold, sinus issues, congestion and fever to Bacterial Pneumonia, Asthma and Allergies.
Saline solutions have been noted for ages for their ability to help with sinus conditions from runny noses to infections. The benefits of these salt solutions are due to the antibacterial and antimicrobial nature of salt. 
Ayurvedic Treatments
Ancient Ayurvedic medicine, practiced in the Ayurvedic culture of India, relied on salt therapy to cleanse the nose and throat of bacteria, mucus and infection and to promote overall respiratory system health and optimal lung capacity.
Breathing salt air, whether it be the salty sea air experienced near coastal areas or produced by Salt Air Inhalers, is reputed to benefit the respiratory system and aid in reducing symptoms of Allergies and Asthma.
Benefits of Himalayan Salt Air Inhalers
Himalayan salt is a natural anti-inflamatory, helping to reduce swelling of the respiratory system. It's natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties aid in treatment of infection by killing the bacteria and microbes that cause illness, and can also prevent these infections. Himalayan salt air can remedy, or aid in the treatment of, many common respiratory ailments including, but not limited to:
  • Hay Fever
  • Tonsillitis
  • Bronchitis 
  • Rhinitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Overall irritation caused by smoking and air pollution
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Common Cold & Flu
  • Aid in mental clarity & calmness
No Side Effects
This natural therapeutic treatment causes absolutely no negative side effects, while Steroid inhalers and other pharmaceutical methods of treatment for these ailments may, and often do, cause adverse side effects.
-From Himalayan Salt Boutique

Customer Review / Testimonial - Himalayan Salt Lamp

"I purchased a salt lamp from you in July for my sons room and he loves the glowing turtle! He falls asleep at night gazing at it and gets to sleep with far fewer excuses to get out of bed and try to stay up! I am giving the dolphin one to my niece for her birthday this fall." L. McCoughney, MI
-Himalayan Salt Boutique Customer Review

Friday, February 15, 2013

Save $$$ On Himalayan Salt Products for Natural Health Benefits...

If you haven't tried Himalayan Salt Products yet-now is the time!

The Himalayan Salt Boutique offers the Very Same Quality Himalayan Salt in use in luxury resorts, hotels, and restaurants worldwide, and found in High End Department Stores!

We have special discounts on Himalayan Salt Lamps, as well as Edible Pink Sea Salts and Himalayan Bath Salts, as well as the following Special Offers:

We are committed to providing our customers with a safe, enjoyable shopping experience by ensuring the safety & security of their financial & private information through our secure order system, via PayPal, & the integrity & quality of our products with our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee! We have also included informative educational pages for our customers to gain information about the various forms of Himalayan Salt!  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to respond with quick, knowledgeable & friendly service!
We are proud to offer a full line of quality, Natural Himalayan Salt Rock products we are sure you will enjoy; 
Himalayan culinary salts are a flavorful, gourmet ingredient in food and Himalayan Bath Salts are a soothing addition to any bath! Relaxing Himalayan salt lamps help to lessen irritability and depression with their smooth, tranquil glow. Salt Lamps are scientifically proven to help cleanse the air and are reputed to have health benefits such as reduced severity of Asthma and Allergy symptoms, migraine headache relief, immune system enhancement, and reduced vulnerability to colds and flu’s!

Visit the Himalayan Salt Boutique Today & Experience Everything this Unique Salt Has to Offer!