Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ayurvedic Saltwater Flush- Treatment promotes overall intestinal health and helps to cure and prevent yeast infections.

Despite the fact that yeast infections arise in the moist areas of the body, they are caused by poor intestinal health or lack of good bacteria in the digestive system. Yeast infections are a frequent problem for those with Endometriosis.
Ayurvedic Saltwater Flush- Treatment promotes overall intestinal health and helps to cure and prevent yeast infections.

According to Ayurvadic medicine, salt water flush is a superior method of cleansing the intestinal tract without the harmful effects and inconvenience of colonics and enemas. Flushing the digestive system with salt water cleanses the entire digestive tract, allowing it to naturally repair it's self, and restore regular levels of healthy bacteria. Salt water flush draws out toxins as it cleanses the entire intestinal tract and is a safe, effective, natural way of doing so.

How to prepare and use a Salt Water Flush
  • 2 level teaspoons unrefined mineral salt  *Use unrefined mineral salt, not ordinary iodized salt. 
  • 1 quart lukewarm water
Mix water salt together in a glass or jar, stirring until the salt is disolved competely.
Drink the entire quart of salt water first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.

After drinking the saltwater, lie on your right side for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes, you are free to get up and go about your day, but be prepared to have a bowel movement within 1 to 2 hours, though everyone is a little different. Be careful not to pass gas, except on the toilet, since it may be
liquid coming through.

Himalayan Salt Glasses & "Sole" Drink Therapy Jars are a simple, more palatable way to perform a Salt Water Flush: non-processed, natural Pink Sea Salt.

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