Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gargling with a Salt Water Solution Recudes Swelling & Irritation from a Sore or Irritated Throat!

Gargling with a salt water solution has been known to reduce swelling and irritation associated with a sore, or irritated throat, and cough since antiquity. This natural treatment helps to reduce harmful bacteria, thereby treating and preventing infection with anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties.

This tried and true natural remedy is a well known treatment which is suggested by physicians worldwide, including here in the US, though many individuals, especially children, tend to have difficulty with the harsh salty flavor of iodized table salt. It is also best not to use salts that contain anti-caking agents or preservatives.

Himalayan Salt Glasses provide a convenient method for preparing salt water solution for gargling, by simply filling the glass with water and allowing a few moments for some of the salt to dissolve into the water. This method provides a natural, pure salt solution for gargling with unprocessed salts which do not possess added iodide, caking agents or preservatives.

Himalayan Salt Boutique offers High Quality, Gourmet Grade Salt Glasses, as well as other forms of Himalayan Salt with Fast Free Shipping! We also provide information about the many benefits of Himalayan Salt!

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