Friday, January 11, 2013

How Does Himalayan Salt Differ From Other Salts in Flavor and Use?

If you have heard of Himalayan Salt and are thinking of trying it, you may want to know more about what makes it different from other salts. You have most likely already learned that it is a pure form of salt that comes from deep within the Himalayan Mountains, that it is packed with vitamins and minerals, and has not been exposed to modern environmental pollutants.

But what about it's flavor and uses?

First and foremost, you have also most likely heard that it has a different flavor from other salts. You may wonder how the taste differs and would like to find out before purchasing Himalayan Salt.

Flavor can be a difficult sensation to describe, especially when one considers the way flavors can transition from start to finish. However, most individuals who have tried Himalayan Salt, including myself and my family, find the following to be true:
  • Himalayan Salt does in fact have a unique flavor that differs from regular table salt. 
  • Himalayan Pink Sea Salt is more subtle than regular salt, yet it has a richer flavor that does not have the "twangy", almost "burning" aftertaste of regular salt. To describe this better, if you put regular table salt on your toungue, you will notice that creates a rather "burning", "stinging" sensation if you keep it there until it melts; if you try this with Himalayan Salt, you will notice that you can allow the salt to melt with very little of this harsh sensation on your toungue.
  • Because of it's richer flavoring, you may find that you can use less salt on your food and still get the salty flavor you desire.
  • When used to season foods, Himalayan Salt enhances their individual flavor, sort of "blending with the flavor of the food" instead of tasting like something you added to it, which lends a full, rich taste that regular salts can not.
  • The addition of Organic Herbs and Spices in Himalayan Finishing Salts lends even more flavor to foods.
  • Gargling with Himalayan Salt is much more toloratable than regular salt, due to it's more subtle and less tangy flavor.
Due to it's denser form, caused by the 84+ minerals contained within the salt, Himalayan Salt has the ability to be fashioned into blocks for grilling, chilling and serving foods, as well as serveware such as bowls, glasses and plates. Himalayan Salt can litterally be shaped into whatever form one wishes, an ability that is better demonstrated by it's use as a Hand Carved Salt Lamp, which you can find in a variety of shapes.
  • Grilling, chilling or serving foods on Himalayan Salt Slabs allows it to add the same subtle yet rich salt flavor to foods as it's traditional granular form, while lending gourmet presentation to the dish as well.
  • Himalayan Salt Grills or Kitchen Slabs can also be used outdoors on your BBQ grill, adding to it's versatility.
  • As Himalayan Salt can be either heated or chilled, and retains it's temperatures for long periods of time, it is perfect for serving foods upon.
Himalayan Pink Sea Salt is a vastly versatile mineral with a myriad of uses that one must experience to fully understand. However, most people who try it are happy that they did!

To learn more about Himalayan Salt, and view a full line of Himalayan Salt Products, visit Himalayan Salt Boutique today!

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