Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Benefits of Himalayan Salt Bath or Sole Bath

Sea Salts have been well known for centuries to relax sore, tired muscles and smooth and soften skin, while relaxing the mind and body. The History of Salt/Mineral Baths used for Health Benefits is extensive.

Hydrotherapy or Hydro-thermal Therapy is a traditional method of healing, used for centuries by many ancient cultures in the treatment of disease and injury. Therapeutic baths were considered a standard healthy treatment for the body & it's common ailments in ancient Rome, China, and Japan. Ancient Greeks took therapeutic baths on a regular basis or whenever possible. Therapeutic baths, using natural salts or geothermal mineral water are also documented in America, where Native Americans strongly revered certain areas with geothermal activity, such as the Yampah Vapor Caves & Mineral Hot Springs in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, as a wonderful healing source.

During a Himalayan Salt Bath, or "Sole Bath", toxins stored in the body are released into the bath water through osmosis, while the minerals contained in the salt are absorbed through the skin, reducing the acidity in the body and balancing the pH factor of the skin. This process leaves skin feeling fresh, clean and rejuvenated and may also help reduce Acne and other common ailments of the skin, such as Psoriasis.

The addition of organic, natural herbs such as spearmint, Lavender, Peach Herbal Tea, etc., enhances the salt bath with the herb's own unique healing or relaxing qualities as well as a fragrant herbal scent. 
More Information About Himalayan Herbal Tranquility Salts>

The benefits of a Himalayan Salt Stone Message include deep relaxation and improved sleep quality, helping to relax the body as it gently draws toxins from the skin and  soothes tense, sore muscles. 
More Information About Salt Stone Message>

We are proud to offer a full line of quality, Natural Himalayan Salt items with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and Fast Free Shipping! Visit the Himalayan Salt Boutique for Holiday Special Sales on Gifts and Himalayan Salt Items for the home!

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