Monday, December 3, 2012

Himalayan Salt - Benefits of Himalayan Salt Air Therapy

Clinical studies have now shown that breathing Himalayan Salt air can help to stimulate the respiratory system's natural ability to reduce inflammation, clear blockages, fight infection and reduce discomfort. Breathing salt air, whether it be the salty sea air experienced near coastal areas, obtained by entering a Therapeutic Salt Cave or produced by Salt Air Inhalers or salt lamps, is reputed to benefit the respiratory system and aid in reducing symptoms of Allergies and Asthma. The New England Journal of Medicine has stated that various forms of salt therapy treatment are effective as an additional therapy for cystic fibrosis patients.

Salt caves are constructed from several tons of Himalayan Salt blocks which are usually heated by lighting placed within the walls. The heating of the salt causes the air in the cave to be infused with a dry aerosol of tiny pharmaceutical grade salt particles. Salt Cave treatment is widely used in Eastern Europe and Russia and has been a well known natural therapy for nearly 200 years. In these parts of the world, people with chronic breathing disorders often spend two to three hours per day in salt cave grottos.
For those who are unable to visit a salt cave, these same Himalayan Salt crystals have been fashioned into lamps and candle holders for use by individuals in their homes, allowing you to experience similar effects of visiting a salt therapy cave right in the comfort of your own home!  
More Information About the Benefits & Uses of Himalayan Salt Lamps & Candle Holders>

Saline solutions have also been noted for ages for their ability to help with sinus conditions from runny noses to infections. Dry saline generators are certified as medical devices in European countries, and are in use throughout Europe. Their use is increasing in North America with the escalating public interest in health.

Breathing an aerosol of hypertonic salt water (3-7% NaCl) has been found effective as a treatment for the heavy build up of mucus typical of cystic fibrosis. The benefits of this were first noticed by sufferers who regularly surfed in Australia and so were exposed to the natural aerosol of the salt spray. 
Information About Himalayan Salt Air Inhalers>

The use of saline solution delivered by a nebulizer to treat bronchiolitis in children has also been systematically reviewed. The conclusion was that current evidence suggests nebulized 3% saline may significantly reduce the length of hospital stay and improve the clinical severity score in infants with acute viral bronchiolitis.
For more information about the use of Himalayan Salt for respiratory ailments, visit
We are also proud to offer a full line of quality, Natural Himalayan Salts we are sure you will enjoy!


  1. I have Pulmonary Fibrosis and it was suggested to me by someone several months ago to use the Himalayan salt in my nebulizer. I bought some, so how do I do this? Do I make a brine and breathe this in my nebulizer? How do I know if the % of salt concentration is right for this? Also, do I breathe it thru my nose or thru my mouth? Does it even matter which way I breathe it, and why? Sorry, just so full of questions before I try this. Thanks for any helpful information.

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