Monday, January 21, 2013

Himalayan Salt Bedrooms, Children's Rooms and Saunas help increase exposure to salt air-natural health benefits

The use of Himalayan Salt is growing worldwide and is already featured in various forms at hotels, restaurants and resorts around the world. Many individuals even have salt walls or rooms in their homes, as it is clinically proven to treat various skin conditions, as well as respiratory ailments such as Asthma and Allergies. 
This salt air therapy is most effective when large quantities of time are spent inhaling dry salt air, and for this purpose, Himalayan Salt Caves are available worldwide, even in the US, for Salt Air Therapy. However, is is usually not practical, or even possible, for individuals to travel to a salt cave on a regular basis, let alone spend hours of time there breathing salt air, therefore, adding Himalayan Salt to Bedrooms enables individuals to spend more time breathing in salt air, in the convenience of their own home!

Many have found that their children with Asthma and Allergies suffer less and less from the symptoms of these respiratory ailments with the construction of a Himalayan Salt Children's Room or playroom which increases time spent with the salt, and that the low cost of building salt walls in their homes is easily offset by reduced medical bills!
Options for the use of Himalayan Salt vary greatly, from entire walls constructed of Himalayan Salt, to headboards, half-walls and framed salt tile decorations.

There are many contractors who now offer to construct Himalayan Salt Walls, however, they are relatively easy to build yourself and require very little knowledge to construct!

Himalayan Salt has also found it's way into other rooms of the home, including bathrooms, kitchens and even saunas!

For more information, including pictures of Himalayan Salt Walls, Salt BedRooms and Salt Saunas, visit us at The Himalayan Salt Boutique!

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