Monday, January 7, 2013

Himalayan Salt - An Essential Survival Supply Kit Item

Himalayan Salt is an excellent item to have in your survival preparedness kit for many reasons.

  • Over 84 trace minerals and nutrients including iron, all of which occur naturally in the ocean water, as well as our bodies and are essential for optimal health. Himalayan Salt is unprocessed and has not been chemically cleaned or dried, a process used on regular white table salt that strips away essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Just as with white bread and flour, over processing of these goods causes them to loose the important nutrients that are the reason for consuming them in the first place.

  • Having been preserved for millions of years deep under the Himalayan Mountains, Himalayan Salt is free of modern pollutants making it possibly the purest form of salt on earth.

  • Salt can be used to preserve and make certain foods. Salt enables you to make survival foods like jerkey and preserve meats like fish and venison, as well as produce fermented foods like pickles and dairy products such as butter.

  • Salt can be stored indefinately for future use. Salt does not deteriorate unless it gets wet, so any salt you store in a dry place will remain available for use as long as you need it.

  • Salt can be used to treat sores and wounds in the mouth and throat, gargling with salt helps treat wounds and prevent infections in these areas due to it's antibacterial and antimicrobial nature. Salt can also be used to treat sinus infections and a multitude of other health issues such as skin irritations and fungal infections, which can be aided by Salt Baths.

With it's many beneficial and essential uses, Himalayan Salt should be a staple item in any survival and/or emergency supply kit.

Visit The Himalayan Salt Boutique to veiw our full line of Himalayan Salt Products including Edible Culinary Salts and Health & Bath Salts today and enjoy Fast, Free Shipping and Safe, Secure Shopping!

Our informative website also offers information about the benefits and uses of Himalayan Salts.





Himalayan Salt stores forever. There is no expiration date. Pack it away today and it will still be there a thousand years later. This salt, of course, has been sitting underneath the Himalayan mountains for eons.

• Trace minerals.
Himalayan Salt contains more than just sodium and chloride. It delivers 80+ other elements, including trace minerals that are needed for basic biology.

• Salt preserves foods. If you have salt, you can make salted meats, salted fish, butter and fermented foods like sauerkraut. Salt makes other foods turn into preparedness foods. In a
survival scenario, you can never have enough salt. Much like gold, silver and ammo, salt retains its value year after year. It never loses value because humans will always need salt to survive.

• Salt prevents dehydration. Did you know that if your body lacks
salt, it cannot hold water? Salt is the essential compound that allows your body to hold water and move water throughout your body's 100 trillion cells. Without salt, any person or animal will die of dehydration. That's why animals in the wild will travel sometimes hundreds of miles to reach salt licks.

• Processed white salt is bad for you. Stop using processed white salt. Just like white bread and white rice, it's overly processed and stripped of essential nutrients. Only full-spectrum salt such as
Himalayan Salt or Celtic Sea Salt should ever be used by any health-conscious consumer.

• Completely free from modern-day pollution. This Himalayan Salt was formed by the Earth millions of years before modern humans polluted the oceans. Thus, it is completely free from pesticides, PCBs, and other synthetic chemicals of any kind.

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