Thursday, January 31, 2013

Natural Therapy and Remedies for Cold and Flu Symptoms

One  of the best non-pharmacological therapy for sinus congestion and sinus infections, as well as allergic rhinitis, is nasal saline irrigation, a treatment which has been known for centuries to be effective in preventing and treating these conditions.

The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology suggests saline sinus rinses as a natural, non-drug treatment for chronic or acute sinus infections and allergic rhinitis, stating that irrigation of sinus cavities with salt can “bring relief by removing allergens from the nostrils and sinuses”. They also suggest using salts that contain no iodide, anti-caking agents or preservatives which can irritate the nasal lining.

Some of the salts you can use to avoid these irritants are Pickling Salts or Himalayan Sea Salts, the latter being readily and conveniently available together with a device called a Neti Pot for this specific use.

Visit our informative website for more information about the uses of salt for cold and flu symptoms!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Natural Remedies for Cold & Flu Symptoms-Salt Therapy

Salt or saline treatments can be effective in naturally treating many of the symptoms of colds and flus which affect the respiratory system, sinus cavities, throat and ears. Salt Air Therapy and Nasal Saline Irrigation, or Sinus Flush, provide natural, drug-free relief of symptoms of colds and flus with immediate remedial effects. Since salt possesses naturally anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties, it is also helpful in treatment and prevention of bacterial infections.
The best non-pharmacological therapy for sinus congestion and sinus infections, as well as allergic rhinitis, is nasal saline irrigation, a treatment which has been known for centuries to be effective in preventing and treating these conditions. The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology suggests saline sinus rinses as a treatment for chronic or acute sinus infections and allergic rhinitis, stating that irrigation of sinus cavities with salt can “bring relief by removing allergens from the nostrils and sinuses”. They also suggest using salts that contain no iodide, anti-caking agents or preservatives which can irritate the nasal lining. Some of the salts you can use to avoid these irritants are Pickling Salts or Himalayan Sea Salts, the latter being readily and conveniently available together with a device called a Neti Pot for this specific use.

Salt Air Therapy is the process of breathing air containing dry, micronized salt particles which travel to all areas of the lungs providing a natural way to cleanse and maintain the respiratory system from within. This all natural, safe therapy helps to reduce inflammation in the airways effectively reducing constriction in the sinuses and lungs that can occur with colds and flus, as well as asthma, allergies and other sinus conditions. By helping the body to naturally eliminate allergens and pollutants, Salt Air Therapy also helps to support the body’s immune system.

Salt air therapy is most effective when large quantities of time are spent inhaling dry salt air. Due to its rather unique ability to be procured in large chunks which can be fashioned into blocks or used in natural crystal form, Himalayan Salt is largely prevalent in Salt Air Therapy.  Himalayan Salt Caves have been constructed at many locations worldwide including several in the US, for Salt Air Therapy. Patrons of these caves spend anywhere between 45 minutes to several hours in the caves in order to breath the salt air. However, it is usually not practical, or even possible, for individuals to travel to a salt cave on a regular basis, let alone stay for large quantities of time. The most convenient and available method of salt air therapy is the Salt Air Inhaler, which is also readily found online and in stores accompanied by Himalayan Sea Salt. Himalayan Salt lamps, chunks of salt which have been made into lamps by installing a bulb inside of a hole drilled into the bottom of a salt crystal d  mounted onto a wooden base, can also be placed around the home for increased exposure to salt air.
Gargling with a salt water solution has been known to reduce swelling and irritation associated with a sore or irritated throat and cough for centuries. This natural treatment helps to reduce harmful bacteria, thereby treating and preventing infection with anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Himalayan Salt Glasses provide a convenient method for preparing salt water solution for gargling, by simply filling the glass with water and allowing a few moments for some of the salt to dissolve into the water. This method provides a natural, pure salt solution for gargling with unprocessed salts which do not possess added iodide or preservatives.

Proper irrigation of the ear canal with saline solution helps to cleanse the canal of wax and treat and/or minimize the risk of bacterial infection. This is best performed by mixing three parts of water with one part salt, then administering the solution to the ear canal via a bulb syringe. Q-tips should not be used to clear wax from the ear canal due to potential damage to the ear drum; cleaning the ear canal with Q-tips can also push wax further into the ear.
For more information about the benefits of Himalayan Salt, visit

Increase Awareness of Endometriosis- 6.3 Million Women & Girls Affected in The US

Endometriosis is a life-altering hormone and immune system disease affecting 6.3 million women and girls in the US, 1 Million in Canada and millions more worldwide.

To date, there is no known cure for this disabilitating disease. The cause of Endometriosis is unknown.The affects of Endometriosis include infertility and severe, chronic abdominal pain.

Research by the Endometriosis Association has revealed a startling link between dioxin (TCCD) exposure and the development of Endometriosis. Dioxin is a toxic chemical byproduct of pesticide manufacturing, bleach pulp and paper products, and medical and municipal waste incineration.

Visit the Endometriosis Association Today for More Information & Help


Friday, January 25, 2013

Himalayan Salt-Learn more about this wonderful Sea Salt Today!

You may have heard of Himalayan Salt and it's beneficial uses in cooking and bathing, as well as it's unique use as an air cleansing lighting fixture, Himalayan Salt Lamps, and are looking for more information about this wonderful sea salt.

Visit us today for all the information you need to learn about the benefits and uses of Himalayan Salt in it's various forms, including helpful articles and Free Himalayan Pink Salt Recipes!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

List of Himalayan Salt Therapy Caves in the US

If you would like to visit a Himalayan Salt Cave for Salt Air Therapy Treatment, we offer the following list of Salt Caves in the US, their address and/or website. If a website for the cave was available, we have included a link to that facilities' site. We have included links to their videos about their facilities as well. We will update this list as we find more salt caves.

Pyramid Holistic Wellness Center
William Kelley, Ph.D.
120 Merchants Row,
Rutland, VT 05701

Full article about the benefits of Himalayan Salt Caves:

The Salt Sanctuary is located with in the Spa at Traditions
4101 Watson Blvd
Johnson City, NY 13790

The Salt Cave Minnesota
4811 Nicollet Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55419

ChiroMed and Therapy Center
2001 Midwest Rd. Suite 110
Oak Brook, IL 60523

Tranquility Salon and Wellness Center
257 Penrose Place
Carlisle, PA 17013
Presentation @

Serenity Salt Cave
7149 Nolensville Rd,
Nolensville, TN 37135

This list is provided for your convenience by The Himalayan Salt Boutique

Monday, January 21, 2013

Himalayan Salt Bedrooms, Children's Rooms and Saunas help increase exposure to salt air-natural health benefits

The use of Himalayan Salt is growing worldwide and is already featured in various forms at hotels, restaurants and resorts around the world. Many individuals even have salt walls or rooms in their homes, as it is clinically proven to treat various skin conditions, as well as respiratory ailments such as Asthma and Allergies. 
This salt air therapy is most effective when large quantities of time are spent inhaling dry salt air, and for this purpose, Himalayan Salt Caves are available worldwide, even in the US, for Salt Air Therapy. However, is is usually not practical, or even possible, for individuals to travel to a salt cave on a regular basis, let alone spend hours of time there breathing salt air, therefore, adding Himalayan Salt to Bedrooms enables individuals to spend more time breathing in salt air, in the convenience of their own home!

Many have found that their children with Asthma and Allergies suffer less and less from the symptoms of these respiratory ailments with the construction of a Himalayan Salt Children's Room or playroom which increases time spent with the salt, and that the low cost of building salt walls in their homes is easily offset by reduced medical bills!
Options for the use of Himalayan Salt vary greatly, from entire walls constructed of Himalayan Salt, to headboards, half-walls and framed salt tile decorations.

There are many contractors who now offer to construct Himalayan Salt Walls, however, they are relatively easy to build yourself and require very little knowledge to construct!

Himalayan Salt has also found it's way into other rooms of the home, including bathrooms, kitchens and even saunas!

For more information, including pictures of Himalayan Salt Walls, Salt BedRooms and Salt Saunas, visit us at The Himalayan Salt Boutique!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Article - Himalayan Salt - An Essential Survival and Emergency Supply Kit Item

For information about the essential uses and benefits of Himalayan Salt in Survival Preparedness Kits and Long Term Food Storage Supplies, as well as Survival Food Preservation and Making New Foods Using Himalayan Salt, check out this Informative Article at EzinesArticles!

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps & How They Work

Salt has been used for centuries, by many different cultures, to clear sinus cavities of bacteria and microbes along with clearing bronchial tubes of congestion for relief of common respiratory problems, a treatment now called Speleotherapy.

Individuals in these ancient cultures noticed relief of chronic respiratory symptoms while visiting salt caves and thus used them frequently as a remedy for common respiratory ailments. To this day, sufferers of asthma, allergies pneumonia, hay fever, bronchitis, sinusitis and cystic fibrosis visit modern Salt Caves around the world for this treatment, as it is known to help alleviate their symtoms. 
Salt caves are constructed from several tons of Himalayan Salt blocks, the exact amount depending on the size of the cave, which are usually heated by lighting placed within the walls. The heating of the salt causes the air in the cave to be infused with a dry aerosol of tiny pharmaceutical grade salt particles. Salt Cave treatment is widely used in Eastern Europe and Russia and has been a well known natural therapy for nearly 200 years. In these parts of the world, people with chronic breathing disorders often spend two to three hours per day in salt cave grottos. In 1995, even the Russian government approved salt caves for medical use. Irelands' first salt cave opened near Dublin in 2009. Himalayan Salt Caves are also springing up all over the US, from The Salt Cave MPLS in Minnisota to Boulder, Co.

Fortunately, for those who are unable to visit a salt cave, these same Himalayan Salt crystals have been fashioned into lamps and candle holders for use by individuals in their homes, allowing you to experience similar effects of visiting a salt therapy cave right in the comfort of your own home!
Clinical studies have now shown that breathing Himalayan Salt air can help to stimulate the respiratory system's natural ability to reduce inflammation, clear blockages, fight infection and reduce discomfort. *Some of the conditions that have been shown to respond to salt cave therapy include:
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Bronchitis
  • Circulatory issues
  • Chronic Ear Infections
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Depression
  • Fatigue 
  • Migrains
  • Post-operative recovery 
  • Sinusitis
  • Skin conditions such as Psoriasis & Eczema
  • Smokers Cough
  • Stress  
  • Weakened immune system
  • Various Sleep Disorders
How Himalayan Salt Lamps Work
Heated by either a bulb or a candle, these unique lamps and candle holders are used for their air ionizing effects, much like those created in a salt cave. These authentic salt crystals, collected from the deepest & highest mines on earth, located under the foothills of the Himalayan Mountain range, have remained untouched by environmental pollutants for over 250 million years. The most pollutant free form of salt crystals in the world, Himalayan Salts are hand picked from salt deposits & crafted into the Salt Therapy caves mentioned above, as well as our quality Himalayan Salt Lamps and Candle Holders.

Place Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps in bedrooms for a more peaceful sleep, aided by fresher, cleaner air & a warm, tranquil glow. Salt Lamps also increase productivity in the workplace, home office or study area by reducing the amount of electromagnetic pollution emitted by electronic home & office equipment, so you may experience increased concentration & reduced fatigue. Allergy & Asthma sufferers report quick relief of symptoms & easier breathing with the use of salt lamps.

More Information about Himalayan Salt Lamps>

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Want to learn more about Himalayan Salt?

You may have heard about this amazing salt in the news, or perhaps you have seen Himalayan Salt items like Himalayan Salt Lamps at restaurants, bars or hotels, or Himalayan Bath Salts and Message Stones at hotels, resorts or spas, and are wondering what the benefits and uses of Himalayan Salt can be.

Our very informative website contains lots of educational information about Himalayan Salt, including it's uses in the bath, the kitchen and even as a lighting element in your home!

Visit the Himalayan Salt Boutique today for more information!

Friday, January 11, 2013

How Does Himalayan Salt Differ From Other Salts in Flavor and Use?

If you have heard of Himalayan Salt and are thinking of trying it, you may want to know more about what makes it different from other salts. You have most likely already learned that it is a pure form of salt that comes from deep within the Himalayan Mountains, that it is packed with vitamins and minerals, and has not been exposed to modern environmental pollutants.

But what about it's flavor and uses?

First and foremost, you have also most likely heard that it has a different flavor from other salts. You may wonder how the taste differs and would like to find out before purchasing Himalayan Salt.

Flavor can be a difficult sensation to describe, especially when one considers the way flavors can transition from start to finish. However, most individuals who have tried Himalayan Salt, including myself and my family, find the following to be true:
  • Himalayan Salt does in fact have a unique flavor that differs from regular table salt. 
  • Himalayan Pink Sea Salt is more subtle than regular salt, yet it has a richer flavor that does not have the "twangy", almost "burning" aftertaste of regular salt. To describe this better, if you put regular table salt on your toungue, you will notice that creates a rather "burning", "stinging" sensation if you keep it there until it melts; if you try this with Himalayan Salt, you will notice that you can allow the salt to melt with very little of this harsh sensation on your toungue.
  • Because of it's richer flavoring, you may find that you can use less salt on your food and still get the salty flavor you desire.
  • When used to season foods, Himalayan Salt enhances their individual flavor, sort of "blending with the flavor of the food" instead of tasting like something you added to it, which lends a full, rich taste that regular salts can not.
  • The addition of Organic Herbs and Spices in Himalayan Finishing Salts lends even more flavor to foods.
  • Gargling with Himalayan Salt is much more toloratable than regular salt, due to it's more subtle and less tangy flavor.
Due to it's denser form, caused by the 84+ minerals contained within the salt, Himalayan Salt has the ability to be fashioned into blocks for grilling, chilling and serving foods, as well as serveware such as bowls, glasses and plates. Himalayan Salt can litterally be shaped into whatever form one wishes, an ability that is better demonstrated by it's use as a Hand Carved Salt Lamp, which you can find in a variety of shapes.
  • Grilling, chilling or serving foods on Himalayan Salt Slabs allows it to add the same subtle yet rich salt flavor to foods as it's traditional granular form, while lending gourmet presentation to the dish as well.
  • Himalayan Salt Grills or Kitchen Slabs can also be used outdoors on your BBQ grill, adding to it's versatility.
  • As Himalayan Salt can be either heated or chilled, and retains it's temperatures for long periods of time, it is perfect for serving foods upon.
Himalayan Pink Sea Salt is a vastly versatile mineral with a myriad of uses that one must experience to fully understand. However, most people who try it are happy that they did!

To learn more about Himalayan Salt, and view a full line of Himalayan Salt Products, visit Himalayan Salt Boutique today!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Was your New Year's Resolution to lead a Healthier Lifestyle?

We all know how difficult it is to attempt to lead a healthier lifestyle. There just never seems to be any time for doing good things for ourselves, to relax, to eat healthier, to create a more tranquil environment within our homes.

Himalayan Salts provide an opportunity to attain these healthy pleasures without taking lots of time to prepare them or set them up! It's as simple as sprinkling it on your food, grilling on it, placing it around your home and switching it on or pouring it in your bath!

  • HIMALAYAN CULINARY SALTS are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, free of bleaches, preservatives & chemical additives, and possess rich gourmet flavor! Himalayan “Pink Salt” has been gaining in popularity for years as a healthier, gourmet alternative to regular table salt & traditional sea salts, as well as an extraordinary, innovative new method for preparing & serving both hot & cold foods!  More Information>
  • HIMALAYAN BATH SALTS promote clearer, naturally moisturized skin that is soft and smooth while helping to soothe body aches & pains associated with sore, tired muscles & conditions such as Arthritis! This unique salt is also effective in treating all types of Acne and other skin conditions, such as Psoriasis.   More Information>
  • HIMALAYAN SALT LAMPS & CANDLEHOLDERS are one of a kind, functional works of art that everyone will enjoy! These beautiful salt creations are Scientifically Proven to help naturally purify the air by reducing allergens, mold spores, environmental pollutants, harmful electromagnetic frequencies & naturally dilute odors.
    Himalayan Salt Lamps emit a warm, tranquil glow that benefits emotional well-being by reducing irritability & depression, especially during the cold winter months, adding an enchanting, soft lighting to any room of your home or office!   
    More Information>
Visit The Himalayan Salt Boutique Today & Enjoy a Healthier, More Tranquil Lifestyle the Quick, Easy Way!

Our informative website includes educational materials about the Uses & Benefits of Himalayan Salt!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Himalayan Salt - Essential Survival / Emergency Preparedness Kit Item Part II

Himalayan Salt is an excellent item to have in your survival kit or family emergency preparedness kit for many reasons. 
We all know that salt is an essential element for good health. Despite the fact that it can cause high blood pressure and other health issues if imbibed in excessively, certain amounts of salt are necessary for bodily systems to function properly. Salt also has a variety of uses outside of health reasons.

First, it is important to know that Himalayan Salt differs from other salts in many positive ways.
  • Himalayan Salt Contains over 84 trace minerals and nutrients including iron, all of which occur naturally in the ocean water, as well as our bodies and are essential for optimal health. Himalayan Salt is unprocessed and has not been chemically cleaned or dried, a process used on regular white table salt that strips away essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Just as with white bread and flour, over processing of these goods causes them to lose the important nutrients that are the reason for consuming them in the first place. 
  • Along with the important minerals Himalayan Salt possesses, it has also been preserved for millions of years deep under the Himalayan Mountains, so it is free of modern pollutants making it possibly the purest form of salt on earth!

Outside of consuming salt, it can be used to treat and prevent many ailments as well as treating sores and injuries.
  • Cankers, abscesses and other mouth sores can be effectively treated by gargling with salt water solution several times a day; this also helps to treat and prevent infections in these areas due to salt’s antibacterial and antimicrobial nature.
  • Gargling with Himalayan Salt water can also be used to treat sore throats.
  • Salt can be used to treat sinus infections, by inhaling a salt water solution, as well as aiding with sore eyes, by irrigating the eye with a salt water solution.
  • A multitude of other health issues such as skin irritations, external wounds, fungal infections and even mosquito bites can be aided by soaking in a Salt Bath.
  • A poultice of salt and olive oil can help sooth insect bites and exposure to Poison Ivy.
  • A Salt paste, made by mixing salt with water until it is thick, works to treat the pain and swelling of bee and wasp stings by gently pulling out the venom as it dries.
  • Brushing your teeth with salt helps to prevent infection and treat infections that already exist.

For beneficial uses in health and hygiene alone, Himalayan Salt is an essential item for every well prepared survival or emergency kit, however, salt is a vastly versatile mineral and there are many other important uses for salt that make it a necessary emergency and/or survival kit item.
  • Salt can be stored indefinitely for future use; salt does not deteriorate unless it gets wet, and it does not become less effective over time, so any salt you store in a dry place will remain available for use as long as you need it.
  • Salt can be used to preserve and make certain foods, enabling you to make survival foods such as jerky and preserve meats like fish and venison, as well as produce fermented foods like pickles and dairy products such as butter. Wrapping cheese in cloth moistened with salt water will prevent molding and adding a small amount of salt to milk will make it stay fresh longer.
  • Salt can be used to clean your toothbrush, as well as other orthodontic items such as dentures and also effectively cleans edible greens to remove bacteria and microbes before eating them. Use of salt in your laundry rinse water will prevent clothes from freezing on the line while drying outdoors during winter, while salt used with vinegar will help clean and deodorize your laundry when used in place of detergents.
  • Miscellaneous uses for salt include reducing cooking time on boiled foods by adding Salt to the water, soaking new candles in a strong salt solution for a couple of hours to reduce dripping while burning and reducing smoke from outdoor cooking grills by sprinkling salt on the flames.

With many beneficial and essential uses in so many aspects of everyday life, Himalayan Salt is an essential item in any survival and/or emergency supply kit.
For more information about the benefits and uses of Himalayan Salt, visit

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Himalayan Gourmet Finishing Salts- Add uniquely rich gourmet flavor to your foods

Himalayan Salt adds a unique, gourmet flavor to all of your foods.  With over 84 trace minerals and nutrients that are absent from overly processed white table salt, Himalayan Salt has remained safely tucked away under the Himalayan Mountains for millions of years and thereby contains absolutely no modern polluntants! 
Our Gourmet Himalayan Finishing Salts are made of 100% Natural Himalayan Salt blended with organic herbs and spices that add an extra burst of rich gourmet flavor to your culinary experience!

Our full line of Finishing Salts includes:
  • Rose Himalayan Salt
  • Green Tea Mint Himalayan Salt
  • Garlic Himalayan Salt
  • Onion Himalayan Salt
  • Lemongrass Fennel Himalayan Salt
  • Clove Himalayan Salt
  • Curry Chili Himalayan Salt
Visit The Himalayan Salt Boutique to view our full line of Gourmet Finishing Salts, as well as our entire line of Quality Himalayan Salt products which includes Himalayan Salt Lamps and Bath Salts!
Enjoy Fast, Free Shipping and Safe, Secure Shopping at our informative website!

Himalayan Pink Sea Salt Recipes -Free!

The Himalayan Salt Boutique Recipes Blog has Free Recipes using Himalayan Pink Sea Salt!

Be sure to visit our website to view our full line of Himalayan Salt Items!

Monday, January 7, 2013

$20 for a Turnkey Small Business Website

Get a working website that you can manage yourself, sell products and promote your business. Simple to use page editing tools, search engine submission and sales tools make running a business online as simple as typing an email.
Our popular hosting system lets anyone build a website without any previous experience. With a 7 day a week phone support line you will never get stuck and always have someone to turn to when you need help.

At just $20 a month you wont find another system that offers more or is easier to use. Our product provides a complete shopping cart, secure credit card processing and all the tools you need to manage online sales.

Try the demo at and sign up today for your very own e-commerce website.

Himalayan Salt - An Essential Survival Supply Kit Item

Himalayan Salt is an excellent item to have in your survival preparedness kit for many reasons.

  • Over 84 trace minerals and nutrients including iron, all of which occur naturally in the ocean water, as well as our bodies and are essential for optimal health. Himalayan Salt is unprocessed and has not been chemically cleaned or dried, a process used on regular white table salt that strips away essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Just as with white bread and flour, over processing of these goods causes them to loose the important nutrients that are the reason for consuming them in the first place.

  • Having been preserved for millions of years deep under the Himalayan Mountains, Himalayan Salt is free of modern pollutants making it possibly the purest form of salt on earth.

  • Salt can be used to preserve and make certain foods. Salt enables you to make survival foods like jerkey and preserve meats like fish and venison, as well as produce fermented foods like pickles and dairy products such as butter.

  • Salt can be stored indefinately for future use. Salt does not deteriorate unless it gets wet, so any salt you store in a dry place will remain available for use as long as you need it.

  • Salt can be used to treat sores and wounds in the mouth and throat, gargling with salt helps treat wounds and prevent infections in these areas due to it's antibacterial and antimicrobial nature. Salt can also be used to treat sinus infections and a multitude of other health issues such as skin irritations and fungal infections, which can be aided by Salt Baths.

With it's many beneficial and essential uses, Himalayan Salt should be a staple item in any survival and/or emergency supply kit.

Visit The Himalayan Salt Boutique to veiw our full line of Himalayan Salt Products including Edible Culinary Salts and Health & Bath Salts today and enjoy Fast, Free Shipping and Safe, Secure Shopping!

Our informative website also offers information about the benefits and uses of Himalayan Salts.





Himalayan Salt stores forever. There is no expiration date. Pack it away today and it will still be there a thousand years later. This salt, of course, has been sitting underneath the Himalayan mountains for eons.

• Trace minerals.
Himalayan Salt contains more than just sodium and chloride. It delivers 80+ other elements, including trace minerals that are needed for basic biology.

• Salt preserves foods. If you have salt, you can make salted meats, salted fish, butter and fermented foods like sauerkraut. Salt makes other foods turn into preparedness foods. In a
survival scenario, you can never have enough salt. Much like gold, silver and ammo, salt retains its value year after year. It never loses value because humans will always need salt to survive.

• Salt prevents dehydration. Did you know that if your body lacks
salt, it cannot hold water? Salt is the essential compound that allows your body to hold water and move water throughout your body's 100 trillion cells. Without salt, any person or animal will die of dehydration. That's why animals in the wild will travel sometimes hundreds of miles to reach salt licks.

• Processed white salt is bad for you. Stop using processed white salt. Just like white bread and white rice, it's overly processed and stripped of essential nutrients. Only full-spectrum salt such as
Himalayan Salt or Celtic Sea Salt should ever be used by any health-conscious consumer.

• Completely free from modern-day pollution. This Himalayan Salt was formed by the Earth millions of years before modern humans polluted the oceans. Thus, it is completely free from pesticides, PCBs, and other synthetic chemicals of any kind.

Learn more:

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cranberry Jalapeno Cream Cheese Salsa Spread w/Himalayan Salt Recipe

We hope you enjoy the following recipe! For more great Himalayan Pink Salt Recipes, visit !

This tasty recipe is absolutely delicious, easy to make and creates a wonderfully festive looking dip for party tables! With it's sensational mix of flavors your our guests will love it so much that it will disappear before your eyes!

Serves 10


1 package Cream Cheese
1/8 tsp Cumin
1 Jalapeno Pepper- Finely Chopped
1 Can Whole Cranberry Sauce
1/4 Cup Chopped Cilantro
1/4 Cup Chopped Pineapple
1 tsp. Course Grain Himalayan Sea Salt

1)   Mix Jalapeno Pepper, Cranberry Sauce, Cumin and Pineapple together in a a mixing bowl.
2)   Place whole block of Cream Cheese in the center of a shallow serving dish and pour the cranberry mixture over the top.
3)   Chill for 30 min. then lightly sprinkle with Himalayan Salt (to taste) and Cilantro
4)   Serve chilled with crackers

Himalayan Salt & Indian Black Pepper Calamari w/Cucumber Salad Recipe

We would like to share this great tasting recipe that uses Himalayan Salt and Indian Black Pepper to add a unique twist to Calamari! For more great Himalayan Pink Salt Recipes, visit !

This is an excellent dish to serve for a get-together! The combination of fried Calamari & Salad are a great twist on an old favorite.
Serves 4

  • 1 cucumber, thinly sliced 
  • 2 green onions, thinly sliced 
  • 9oz. cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/3 cup roasted almonds, chopped coarsely
  • 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. sesame seed oil
  1. Cut squid hoods along one side and open out. Using a small sharp knife, score inside of hoods in a diagonal pattern, without cutting all the way through, this way the squid will curl while cooking. Cut each squid hood into eight pieces.
  2. Sprinkle squid with combined pepper, salt and lemon pepper seasoning.
  3. Heat oil in wok or large frying pan, stir-fry squid in batches until curled and just cooked through. Serve squid with cucumber salad.
  4. Cucumber Salad: Combine cucumber, onion, tomato & nuts in medium bowl. Add combined vinegar and oil, toss to combine.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Himalayan Salt - The Perfect Valentines Day Gift!

Don't just settle for flowers and candy....
Looking for the perfect Valentines Day Gift for that special someone?

The Himalayan Salt Boutique has you covered!

Your Valentine will love our Himalayan Salt Heart Shaped Lamps, like our Hand Carved Heart Himalayan Salt Bowl Lamp, complete with 5 Heart Shaped Himalayan Salt Message Stones! Simply turn the lamp on for romantic, soft lighting and warm the message stones for a relaxing salt stone message!

Our Himalayan Tranquility Bath Salts also offer a soothing spa experience, right in the comfort of your own home.

We also offer Heart Shaped Himalayan Salt Candle Holders to brighten your Valentines' Day!

Enjoy Fast, Free Shipping and Safe, Secure Shopping along with Valentines Day Sales & Special Offers!

Visit today for unique, special gifts your Valentine will never forget!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Himalayan Salt Lamp Customer Review/Testimonial

A Himalayan Salt Lamp Customer Review - Himalayan Salt Boutique

"Everyone loved the salt lamps I got them for Christmas! Thanks so much for making my holiday shopping quick and easy with such useful, unique gifts! 
- Clark P., Indiana

Thank you for your review!

Visit for Quality Himalayan Salt Items including Salt Lamps, Himalayan Culinary Salts & Free Recipes along with Himalayan Bath & Beauty Salt items!